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Redmonds Rock Salt on a Rope

$21.99 CAD
Type: Salt

Each 3-5 pound Rock on a Rope hangs on a tri-colored rope, ideal for hanging the rock in a barn, stall, or fence post

Why Redmond Rock?
Have you wondered if your horse is getting enough minerals and staying hydrated? Here are 6 important points on why you should be giving him a good quality natural mineral rock.

1. Better Hydration: All horses need a trigger to drink. Redmond Rock will encourage them to drink and prevent devastating dehydration issues.

2. Electrolyte Balance: This is especially important for working horses that are sweating in their efforts.

3. Essential Minerals: Without these minerals, he may be unbalanced and struggle with habits such as eating dirt and cribbing.

4. All Natural: A hydrated horse is a healthy horse. The important balance of natural salt, minerals and water is vital to a horse’s health.

5. Lasts Longer: Redmond Rock lasts longer in the weather and will not crumble or dissolve in the rain or humidity like blocks tend to do. They may melt a little in extreme humidity.

6. Horses Love the Taste: The more he needs it, the more he licks it. And the more he drinks, the healthier he is!